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About Kay Ostrenko

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Joshua Tree Retreats

Kay is an intuitive energy healer and Hatha Yoga teacher.She is  dedicated to keeping the integrity of Hatha Yoga alive with private one on one instruction. Initiated into Shambavi and Raja energy healing, Kay uses these techniques as an additional means of unblocking retrogressive physical, mental, emotional patterns and trauma. Kay helps each student connect and create a Pranayama practice that is suitable for their daily routine. Kay combines her yogic knowledge from her origins of Sivananda, Bikram/Bishnu Gohsh lineages with her own personal sadhana or meditation practice to help you structurally integrate the asanas (postures) in your own private practice and life. So if you are looking to deepen your yoga practice, create one, or simply change your life for the better. Kay is here to help you apply the proper use of the will by connecting Meditation, Pranayama, Asana.

You are worth your own time and effort.

Kay Ostrenko
Haha Yogi and integrative lifestyle coach

the only way out is within


"I have absolutely never in my life felt more clear headed & alive after working with Kay. She is a rare healer that I would spend all my money on. As a health care professional I know that we need more people like her in the world... she is inspirational."

-Mariana, 24

  Tampa, FL

-M.K., 52

Manhattan Beach, CA

“I have learned so much yoga- and so much about myself- during private lessons with Kay. Her expansive knowledge, vast experience and expert skill are equally matched by her spot-on intuition, infectious passion and magnanimous personality. Calling her today is the best decision you’ll make all year! “

“Kay is an inspiring, extremely knowledgeable and talented yoga teacher, healer and person. She stands heads and shoulders above 99.9% of all yoga teachers in the way she demonstrates to, illustrates for and guides her students. She is delightful, fun and easy going. I recommend her, in the strongest possible terms, to all people looking for yoga instruction, overall healing, mindfulness and general life improvement. “


“Kay is one of the best yoga instructors I know who truly teaches from the heart and soul. She has taught me to love yoga just as much as she does. I feel such a positive connection with her. She shines like a star!”


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